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Thursday, January 15, 2009


As some of you may know, I haven't exactly been going to school a lot.
And school's been around for only a few days.

Not really my fault, I do sleep enough and everything.
But over-sleeping is bad. >;O
My grandmother forces me to sleep when I am feeling fine,
The result?

I get too comfy with my bed and don't part with it so easily.
And when I get to school, what happens?

I am late, the punishment for being late?
More than I think is necessary because it wields no benefit.
If you even have a bit of IQ or at least a rough understanding for things around, You'll understand.

But I'll make it easier for those who don't get it.
Why do we go to school?
In a nutshell, to learn, yes?
What is the punishment for being late to go to school and learn?

Exactly contradictory to why we go to school.
We get punished by NOT being allowed to go to class.
And we get detention after school. =.=
Detention is just uncalled for, it makes no sense.

Would I rather go to school and not learn,
Or not go to school and not learn?

Going to school and not learning is not comfy.
Staying home and not learning has a nice PC for me to use and I have my comfy bed.

I choose to stay home.

And the problem with hair!
WTF do they think they can possibly hope to accomplish with this?

Will keeping long, waxed and fringed hair and wearing tapered pants and mini-skirts  make us dumber?
Will it keep us from learning?

I don't get why the system is so obsessed with the idea that short hair is good.
Or that any other restriction is good.
Them keeping the school logo on the uniform, I understand.

But Not allowing certain things with no relevance or correlation to studies and "holistic education" mumbo-jumbo and then saying that the restrictions must be followed or "You Are Not Showing Respect To The School Or Singapore" is plain asininity.

The whole system is fucked up.
The whole human race is fucked up.
All without any logical thought.

A few other things I don't get:
Global warming: They say cars, factories give off CO2 which causes global warming.
Fact: Water Vapour causes 99.999% of global warming, CO2 causes less than 0.001% of it.
Conclusion: We can't control Global Warming and it is a natural cycle we have no control over.

Humans, we can't do shit about this, so go on with your lives and fuck your brains out with driving cars.

World Hunger: Earth produces enough crops to feed the entire of Earth's population and still have surplus enough to feed an additional billion over people. And people are still starving? o.0
Fact: We are greedy, The reason for Global Starvation is because of money, the poor can't buy food. Africa is poor. 1/3 of the world uses food all they want, 1/3 of the world is hungry and 1/3 of the world is literally starving to death.
Conclusion: Money, is indeed the root of all evil. If not for money, we could indeed have world peace.

Money, Economy, blah blah: The world's system of money is Epic Phailure.
Fact: If everyone paid off their debt, NO MONEY would be in circulation, that means that we would all have no money and die.

How do I put this, The Banks create money out of thin air.
Let's say, I borrow $10 from the bank, they create $10.
They don't take money from the bank itself and lend it to you,
They get the government's approval and CREATE money out of thin air.
There is an interest of 10%.
So I have to pay back $10 with interest.

All money in circulation technically, comes from banks.
So, let's say I pay back my loan, I pay $11.
Where did I get that $1 to pay off the loan?

I could have only gotten it from money already in circulation,
That means that someone else has $1 less to pay off their loan and can't pay it off.

How do they pay it off, then?
They have no choice but to hope that more money is in circulation, which means others borrowing money so they can pay off their loans.

But that means that debt is forever being created and never paid off!

Why has this system not collapsed?
Because they force people to declare bankrupt.
They have loan defaults and Bubble bursts.

And if you can't pay off your debt,
They take your home.
That means the bank took something which is REAL just because you couldn't give back something created out of thin air.

The Economic system is plain stupid >;O

Conclusion: The monetary system is pure Epic Phailure because it is based on a system that is forever self-destructive.

Trust humans to say how the world should be, huh?

Justin Posted At: 2:29 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009

Javascript Problems..

I hate this,
I cannot seem to find a suitable Javascript for my needs,
I'd go learn Javascript myself and then code it, But I'm too lazy.

Anyone good at Javascript and willing to help?
Nah, I doubt so.

I think I'm more suited to blogskin creation Than to Blogging itself.
I'd make different style blogskins, But I need people to make requests first...

Anyone want a new blogskin? o.0

How Do I Fix This?

My iMeed music and Youtube audio clash..
My temporary fix is to have iMeem pop-up in a new window,
But Pop-Up Blockers = No Blog music.

I wanna' find a way to pause my playlist to watch Youtube Vids,
But still can continue my music later on and have my music play in the beginning when the blog page is loaded...

Any ideas?

Justin Posted At: 7:58 PM

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I have integrated my blog with the blogskin of another blog site:

This is because I have nothing else better to do and I love Pump. ;D
Besides, I made the blogskin for that site, So it is only right that I use it for my blog as well =)

Hardly going to the arcade anymore because I'm elsewhere,
Kinda' miss Pump It Up.

If anyone wants to learn how to play on that machine at the AMK Arcade,
Send me a tag and say so, I'm sick of pumping alone.

It's the machine with 5 arrows.
it isn't THAT hard, It's quite easy.

Justin Posted At: 2:17 AM